Problem with material library


I’m using Sketchupsince 15 years and today i have a problem with the material pattern.
When i apply a material (like Birch-Plywood from Artx) one day on a components, all is ok. I save my model and go to sleep !
The next day, i open my model and i apply the SAME material on another component, then the software apply this with another name like Birch-plywood1…

It’s a problem because i use OpenCutList plugin and he can’t optimise the cutting process with so many type of material !

I’m sorry if my english is not understandable, but i’m french guy who are not using english every day !

Thanks a lot for your help !

When you apply the material to the second object select it from the In Model collection in the Materials panel. Then it will be the same as on the first one.

Yes, cool !!!

Tanks a lot… It’s not a bug… I’m the bug :wink: