Continuing the discussion from 3D Bootcamp Early Arrival Dinner?:
This will just be a casual get together for people already there.
Meet at 6:30 at the conference registration desk - which will open at 5 so you can register for the conference as well!
The destination will be Casuelas Cafe in Palm Desert - at least for my carload! Click here for the menu. The criteria was fairly simple: Choose any cuisine NOT represented by restaurants at the conference hotel. Do a bit of research and present options. @mb1cpa helped out with the research - she lives nearby and gave some recommendations, including Casuelas. The only reaction in the previous thread was thumbs up on the Mexican!
We have at least two cars available provided by myself and @junior capable together of carrying 12 adults. There MAY be at least one more car, but it’s not settled yet!
Rather than do a lot of coordination, I think we should just meet and see how many people we have. People who just show up without piping up with an “I’ll be there” or “I’ll try to be there” or something like that as a reply to this thread will have lower priority for available seats than those that have previously expressed interest.
I currently have the following people who expressed interest through the other thread - and they don’t need to “chime in” here to keep their place in line:
Me (@sjdorst), @colin, @slbaumgartner, @jvleearchitects, @junior, and @mb1cpa. I’m adding @RTCool who contacted me by PM. That’s 7, so we’ve got room for 5 more even if the 3rd car doesn’t materialize. Also, even without a 3rd car, if more than 12 show up, they can always share an Uber!
Lastly, I’m going to tag a few more people who I know should be there in time, based on their entry in the Arrival Date/Time/Flight spreadsheet. Unlike the people I’ve already tagged, these people should chime in to get preference over unannounced attendees:
@Box, @DaveR, @Aerilius, @Wo3Dan, @Eneroth3, @Cotty, @zafumatt, @Geo
Bootcamp is getting close! Most of us will arrive less than 100 hours from now! My excitement level just stepped up quite a bit.