Pipe pushed through solid wall-Unable to delete faces

The final result shouldn’t be any different but my method is fewer steps. Especially if you use inferencing instead of the guidelines to find the center of the sump base.

All along you’ve been showing the sump base and the chamber as two separate elements so I’ve been doing the same thing. Are they in reality a single monolithic structure? i.e. Cast as a single piece of concrete?

Each of the components I created are indeed solids. Note Entity Info’s report of 2 solids selected.

If you did something incorrectly, one of them might not be solid. I don’t see your results, though.

Making a component is enough to keep the geometry separate. Creating either a group or component has the effect of putting a wrapper around the selected stuff. In your previous model, you had some stuff wrapped multiple times.

Using the wrapping analogy, the sump base and the chamber were already in their own wrappers and you put more wrappers around them.

At some point you did something to make them groups instead of components. Maybe you exploded the component and then made the group. Exploding a component or group is like taking the wrapper off and throwing it away. (Editing a group or component is like opening the wrapper to make the changes but then closing up the wrapper after you’ve finished with the changes.

I’ll send you a link to a video that might help.