Having some issues with photographs in my model on the mobile viewer? They flicker around when rotating the camera and dont always fully load: Screenshot - d51ec4a955e06c6f4db2111d9c41493b - Gyazo
Having some issues with photographs in my model on the mobile viewer? They flicker around when rotating the camera and dont always fully load: Screenshot - d51ec4a955e06c6f4db2111d9c41493b - Gyazo
if you post the skp here then we could look for the problem…
I imagine your images are far larger then needed and are slowing down the loading…
Yea, that model took a while to download into the WebGL viewer (here in the forum thread,) even on a broadband connection.
one reason it’s slow is it’s all loose geometry,
it’s also hard to navigate even on a desktop…
what happened to all your layers?
if it was grouped on those now unused layers it would be faster to view…
Not 100% sure but I think it’s all on the same layer