I am wondering if this is a bug or intended behavior. I am having issues with LayOut dimensions not reconnecting to the model when I reload subcomponents and then update LayOut.
Example images below.
I create a model of a timber frame project, and I save this as a SKP file.
I then insert this into a new SKP project (it comes in as a component) - I proceed to setup paired section cuts to allow me to isolate the frame for shop drawings (section cut in front of and behind primary bent and wall lines).
My structure looks like this:
The ‘Container’ component contains the TFRAME component (used to work on joinery / framed details) and the secondary section cuts.
Primary section cuts are in the main model space (outside of any components).
Loose items / geometry / etc. are tagged as needed.
So I have 2 models: TFRAME and CLIENT-TFRAME-SHOPS. The ‘shops’ is what I use to move to LayOut. When inserted into LO I detail as needed.
Often I will need to update joinery or details upon client / engineering review or stretch / change sizes. When I reload the TFRAME component into the TFRAME-SHOPS model and then update LayOut I am losing many connections to dimensions. I am aware that using solid tools will often result in the ‘Reconnect to Model’ to fail as the ID / geometry within the model has changed - but I am losing connections to things that I have not even adjusted, or things that should automatically adjust.
Screenshot of LO before reloading the sub-component:
Screenshot after moving the rafters and top plates 2", reloading the sub-component into the main SKP model and then updating LO:
Screenshot after selecting all dimensions and to reconnect to model:
Note in the last images the dimensions are not red-but the points that the dimensions were referencing have not updated with the moved components…
I did not have this issue prior to using my sub-component / reload process and wonder what might be going on behind the scenes in SKP / LO to cause this issue.
I have moved to this process for a couple of reasons, but primarily as it allows for easy use of ‘back edges’ to show joinery (double section cuts isolate the parts of the frame I need to show) and it gives me a ‘clean’ model to focus on joinery / modeling / sizing / engineering as needed.
I don’t believe I had these issues prior to re-loading - if I adjusted the sub-component of the frame within the main SKP model (moving things, adjust joinery, etc.) - LO behaved as intended - dimensions would (mostly) auto-update and re-connect to the model without much fuss.
Any idea from the SKP team on why this behavior exists? Is the re-load somehow changing the IDs that LO was referencing?