Perforated wood panel

Hi there,

Anyone knows how to do a perfurated Wood panel but like a Dynamic component? the thing is my computer cant handle because its has a lot of geometery. If anyone could give me a tip i would appreciate.

Ive uload some images thnaks a lot.

A couple of thoughts. How many edges were the circles drawn with for the perforations? You could make that smaller as there will be a lot of them and probably not notice that as they will end up quite small ( unless you plan close viewing)
Another option is to make it a texture (png) so the holes have transparency. This would be very low overhead on file size and scaleable.

Do you really need the geometry? A texture image would be a lot easier on your computer than a very detailed solid model.

Are they an array of round holes, as in perforated hardboard?

With a texture, you wouldn’t need a DC to make different sizes.