The online help in French at http://help.sketchup.com/fr/article/116174 doesn’t work at all.
All subjects clicked in any expanded menu produce the error
“Search is temporarily unavailable. The page you requested does not exist.”
Hi @bitwyse,
Many thanks for reporting the issue. It looks like the href links in the HTML were incorrectly managed during the translation. But I fixed the links so that they go to the right article. The caveat is that some of the links have not been translated, so you may see the resulting article in English instead of French. But this is an issue we hope to improve greatly in the future.
Hello Tommy
Thank you for your reply.
There’s still something strange happening!
I have tried several links and one time they work (in English), another time I still get the same search error. (I have cleared my navigator cache.)
(Tested at 12h20 European time)
May I make a suggestion? - when you click on a link it would be good if it opened in a new tab to avoid need to return back to the menu each time.
Regards, Christophe
Hello again
The links now seem to work fine.
There must have been a/some server(s) on different Internet hops that didn’t update your pages in their caches for too long.