Observers and deleted entity information work around

#delete_key is an instance method of the dictionary class.

Most things you use #delete_attribute on, inherit it from it’s definition in the Entity superclass.

But not models. The Model class is not an Entity subclass, so it’s #delete_attribute method is unique (and is actually not documented.)

ADD: The difference in behavior will likely be avoided if you attach dictionaries to either the DefinitionList collection or your Definition objects. Both are Entity subclass objects so would inherit the #delete_attribute method that works.

I did not see an open issue, so I logged it:

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Just to echo my response in the GitHub tracker:

Sketchup::Model have no delete_attribute. This is one of the unfortunate monkey-patches Dynamic Component adds. Extension authors should not rely on it.

And also echoing, that monkey-patch doesn’t do anything because it was always written with a bug in it, and wrapped in error trapper block that suppressed any exception being output to the console.