Object Scaling Bug

There is a current issue / bug when scaling objects to match with others. This animation exhibits the incorrect behaviour and can be easily reproduced.

Do you have Grid Snap enabled? This is without Grid Snap.

No Dave, I almost never engage snap to grid, the issue is reproducable if you don’t deselect the object! Say for example you have multiple objects selected, deselection means selecting all again. I’ve only noted this behaviour as using the scale tool is now a preference to moving without being forced to find an inference on small objects, which btw, is near impossible without zooming in like the hubble telescope.

When moving lines it is straight up, impossible. Though I’ve just started using another trick: draw a rectangle with white 0% opactity fill / no border > draw a line over one edge > group. This means you can far more easily grab an inference to move a line!

As per my reply to Richard in another thread – I can confirm this bug.

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I may be missing something on the scaling…
Mac Studio m2 Mac, macOS Sonoma 14.7.1, SketchUp 24.0.598

I also don’t see the inference issues - it is different - I do wish the scale handles could be toggled on or off like you can swap in SKP with the Command key on components, as it can be a bit tricky to get the hang of when moving lines and other geometry.

The issue was brought up in another thread and can be replicated, but you need to understand the specific circumstances that make it happen.

This thread was opened to separate it from the other.

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OP should name those specific circumstances here…

What are the multiple items? Is it a line + the lower rectangle?

OK, Now I see it…

Can’t say that I ever noticed as I don’t use it that way…


That’s just part of my issue; fighting the scale handles, but it’s more about the need! Why did the functionality change! For me the ability to select an inference (forced inferencing) or to enable (native inferencing) when the selection isn’t attached to an inference, would be the best of both worlds! It makes no sense to me as to why native inferencing would be dropped from a 2D page layout tool! It means that small objects and lines can quickly be arranged without any issues.

Be mindful; it’s a reproducible bug!

Mike, there are no circumstances required to reproduce this bug! Mentions of circumstances to the previous thread are more examples of why I noticed the bug. You don’t need a group or multiple selected objects to replicate.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Object gets deselected when choosing the Scale tool