Hi all, I’m new to DC and building some tools based on Youtube info and downloadables from 3D warehouse. Great and fun journey! I’m basically trying to smarten up all the repetitive stuff I’m doing for work as Urban Designer:)
I’m working on a very basic pedestrian crossing component, I want to have a scalable crossing with bars (=white paint) & gaps (asphalt), aligning and dividing equally. Almost there, but I’m getting one extra copy that I don’t get rid of. Any help is greatly appreciated!
ROAD CROSSING v2.skp (97.9 KB)
I did away with the “Box” Component because I could not understand its purpose.
Added “Start And End” Flex Spacers to take up the slack when the total length modularity does not fit a integer number of Fill units. In this fashion, the Fills remain centered along the length of the model. Enable “Hidden Geometry” to view the StartEnd pieces.
Also enabled the Component Options window so that the end user can enter length and width values directly onto the DC.
I also hid Scale-Handles that might create conflicts.
ROAD CROSSING v2 (SU 2020).skp (132.0 KB)
Wow that’s really helpful, nice how you handled the start/end. I’ll study some more on what you made. Could be that I may post another question in the future
Great many thanks!
Hi Nino, not wanting to over-ask you, but I’m still struggling with the results of another DC I’m playing with. Sometimes it works, sometimes it won’t. Would you be so kind to take a look into what I’m doing wrong here? Its a curb -maker, I want it to snap to all lengths (now it over/under shoots), the curbs can be 99cm or shorter, and I need a gap of 1cm between the blocks.
Thats the last thing I’m asking of you
CURB.skp (25.7 KB)
I’ll take a look at it when time allows.
In order to define the expected Behavior on the DC, you may need to explore further the variables at hand. Consider generating some more “examples” at 299, 300, 301, 302cm and so on to address the results.
Wdc CURB Example.skp (38.5 KB)
The assumption is gap is 10mm, as per your DC, you then find the remainder and address the last block {copies=copy}, and if there is a remainder, size this copy to suit.
CURB 2.skp (39.6 KB)
the if condition, {and( remainder, copies=copy)} being met or not
I am curious why you did not develop it as a LIVE COMPONENT ?
Does a LC scale and modify with the scale tool?
does it allow attribute data for a report?
There are still more improvements needed to even compete with DCs
PHILLIP: When the Curb Section LenX=99cm with a 1cm fixed Gap, a 300cm Assembly would need a 1cm Curb remnant . . . correct?
Hi all, nice discussion here, thanks!
@Nino, indeed, you’ll need a remnant piece to complete the ‘‘sequence’’. Ofc this is for visualizations only, not public space design for real life
Then a live component will do
Road Designer - - 3D Warehouse (sketchup.com)
The way Edwin set up his original, includes 10mm space on end, then 300/100 =3, remain = 0, a space include in original
However the correct way would be having the space independent as per your example, allowing a variable space and block