I’m really sorry for my english, but these is my last chance to learn better sketchup modelling.
The reason why I need your help is a small holder, PLEASE
I should creat an 3D printed holder for my father.
On the Web, I found an example which one I would take to import into sketchup.
For better learning I prefer it, to create these model new with some small changings.
I could also take the imported model and take some changes on this drwaing, but I think this is not the right way. However, since more than 8 hours I try to creat thes holder, but I’m to bad. Is it possible to create this drawing on sketchup??
On of the biggest problem are the sharp corners, I can not round it.
Thank you very much, that’s great!!
I got it,!!!
I will also try it, to make round corners, by the next step. I think (maybe)this should be possible wit extrude on path. I cannot use plugins
Your tutorial is great. Thanks a lot. The way how you do it is very simple, but the know how, „what way is the right one“ is very complicated.