My home window keeps loading and loading

Hello, I am on a free web version and was working on a model when all of a sudden my tool bars on both left and right disappeared — all I could see is the model itself but nothing else. I went to my home page and am trying to open any of my two projects but it keeps loading and loading and there is no end to it. Anyone knows what is happening? Thank you!

What browser are you using? You might try clearing the browsers caches and history and see if that helps. How large are the files you’re trying to open?

It is Google Chrome. One file was pretty large, but the other one isn’t at all. What I did was to click on Trimble Connect and was able to get access to my work BUT I cannot find the latest model I worked on. I was just working on it last night and when I opened it just now it didn’t have tool bars so I reloaded it but still nothing, then I decided to go to my home page and open it from there but it disappeared. I thought it was being saved in the background all the while I was working on it, no?

Clear the caches and history for Chrome and then try signing in again.

Did I need to save my latest model or was it being saved automatically? It is nowhere to be found.

If you had never saved it and quit the session, it’s not likely to exist. Did you ever save it?

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