Move/copiy command has quit working and selection tool does strange things. /29/22

I have been having trouble when using the selection command. It jumps to another command.
Also, the move/copy command suddenly quit working.

I’m not seeing any issues in SketchUp Shop/Go. What browser are you using?

Safari. It should have nothing to do with using commands.

Oh yes it can. Have you restarted your device?

Well, as shown, it works as expected for me.

What exactly do you mean by that?

From the Getting Started help page:

  • A Recommended Web Browser: SketchUp for Web depends on WebAssembly, a new technology requiring cutting-edge browser support. For the best experience, we recommend Chrome 59+, Firefox 52+ or Microsoft Edge 84+. Although SketchUp for Web will work in Safari, we cannot confidently recommend this browser at this time.