Modifying components in components = Disappearing ?!

Please help me fix / work around this

I’m modeling a residential property through cad import from gis

In matching the topography for proposing grading to existing conditions

I have the context topo, planned area for grading, and area between – as 3 components within 1

So, I try to access the grading area, to move vertexes to match the surrounding topo, triangle corner to triangle corner,

and when I double-click to open this component – they both – straight-up disappear!

What is this and what do I do?? – Please help ( … quickly if at all possible – please)

Thanks for your time,

Check windows model info component/ group editing and uncheck the two hide secection boxes if they are selected.

Might be the origin of the geometry in the component is far away. You might try to change the axes of the component before you edit it. And maybe even use “Scale Definition” from the context menu.