Medeek Wall

The carpet is a bit strange with the stair runner setup and the landing tread:

Would it be worth trying additional subtractive geometry for the odd occasions a runner is used on a winder stair.

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I’m not sure I understand the suggestion. Yes, one can use subtractive geometry on stair assemblies now.

I suggested the subtractive geometry as a way to fix the winder runner issue as a one off.
It may not work.

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First look at a 3 step winder:

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The lifetime licensing options are now permanently listed on the website:

These winders and their landing treads are driving me a bit batty but I am slowly but surely knocking them out, the math is complicated and its tedious. Here is a 30 degree angle winder (Left) with stair runner and landing treads enabled:


Those 6-step U-winders are a beast. I don’t think anyone appreciates the amount of code required to make the stair runners come together properly, but it is finally there (sigh of relief).

I’ve got one little bug to fix tomorrow and then I will release this update and maybe another video if I get really ambitious. After that I think I’m out of this stair module rabbit hole (for a while), we will see…

Bug fixed with the 4-step winder:


Amazing work, very much appreciated. Fantastic job :clap: :clap:

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I’ve had two request for SIP walls today. What are the thoughts on this wall construction method, should I make an option for it?


First look at some SIP walls, five new parameters in the wall menus:

Geometrically it is really no different than an ICF wall, just that the concrete is replaced with insulation and the insulation is replaced with sheathing (OSB).


Very nice. Thanks….

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Could you also add the ability to draw in strapping (rain screen) on both sides of the SIP walls? It is common practice to use horizontal 2x4 strapping to allow for services runs (water/electric) when designing SIP walls.


It’s too late for me to use it, but if available 2 years ago, I would have liked to see other options for the “skins” of SIPs - as my manufactured building that’s nearing completion (before shipping across country) uses panels that are much like SIPS - except the structural skins are a carbon fiber and fiberglass mix significantly thinner than the OSB which most commonly “skins” SIPS!

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I only have rainscreen available for the exterior of the wall, I will need to give this some more thought.

Version 3.8.8 - 02.06.2025

  • Added landing treads, tread covers, carpet and stair runners for all winders.
  • Added an SIP wall framing option for all wall types.
  • Added five additional SIP parameters into the wall Draw and Edit menus.

Tutorial 66 - SIP Walls (8:03 min.)


Version 3.8.8b - 02.06.2025

  • Added the option for closed stringers.


I think what’s needed on the INSIDE of the wall is furring - with options being size, orientation (horizontal or vertical), material (almost always simple dimensional lumber), and spacing on center.

Referring to the building I have now under construction across country - they’re using 2x2’s, 16" OC, Horizontal orientation.


Would you look at that!

Thank you Nathaniel.

I would add a rain screen option. I use that on nearly every project (SIPs or otherwise…)

And a 2x service cavity on the inside.