Совпадающие объекты (Matching objects)

При создании модели я допустил ошибки. Получилось что некоторые экземпляры компонентов оказались вложенными в другие экземпляры и полностью с ними совпадают. Как можно найти такие вложенные экземпляры?

When you create a model I made a mistake. It turned out that some of the specimens were embedded components in other instances, and coincide with them. How can I find a nested instances?

Try looking at the model heiarachy in the ‘Outliner’ window.

It does not help

Can you share a model here?

example.skp (84.0 KB)

seen 4 components, but their 7 pieces

The components are not nested. The “missing” components are stacked, overlapping two of the visible cubes.

Open Outliner as @JimD mentioned. There are 7 components listed. Click on the components listed in Outliner. That will select the components in the workspace. You will see that the middle 2 components actually has overlapping, identical components. You can just use the Move tool to move them away.

This model - an example. The real model - such blocks 2000

You will have a lot of work to find all of the overlapping components.

With the small example it is easy to see the components:

The “easiest” way to remove the overlapping components is just to start deleting individual components until all components in that model space is gone. The do one Undo to restore the last component removed.

Did you use Edit > Paste in Place to create the stack of identical components?

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very, very much work =)

I hope someone knows a plugin that can find such objects.

While I find it easier to re-draw the model =)

I doubt a plugin exists to help. I think it’s a lesson to not repeat this sort of mistake.

If the real model is compose of a linear array of the same component, it would be very easy to recreate.


I believe I can put together a plugin that will erase duplicate instances of a Component. The approach seems reasonably simple so long as the duplicates are positioned truly identically. It would still be possible but considerably more complex to code if the positions are only approximately identical.

I’ll share it here if/when I get it to work.

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Download the attached rbz and install it in SketchUp using the Extension Manager. It will add an item to the Extensions menu saying “Erase Duplicate Instances”. Select any instance of the component that is duplicated and then this click this menu item to find and erase the duplicates.


  • the operation is undoable
  • the notion of “duplicate” is that two instances of the same component are placed at the same location and orientation to within a tolerance. In this initial version, the tolerance is hard-wired. If this misses some instances or gets ones that it shouldn’t, let me know and I’ll revise.

erase_dups.rbz (1.4 KB)

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Thank you so much. Everything is working. Really facilitate certain tasks. Counting of materials, for example.

Slbaumgartner, hello!
I tried your plugin, it is super! And get to finish it, to: a) to remove not only the ingredients, but also the group b) to remove all the found objects double in the model without prior mark?
Thank you!


I don’t understand what you mean. The goal was to get rid of duplicates when there is more than one instance placed and oriented in the same way in the model, leaving just one. It doesn’t remove anything from inside the component/group (is that what you mean by “ingredients”?) and intentionally leaves behind one instance. Are you asking for a tool to delete all instances of a selected component/group, including the selected one and regardless of duplicate position and orientation?

This is possible. I’ll take a look. The main drawback is that if your model has a lot of components it may take a long time because the plugin will have to examine every instance of every component in the model.

Edit: Because instances may be nested in different parents, this is a lot more complicated than I thought at first. Unless there is a lot of demand, I’m not inclined to spend the effort it would take as this is a somewhat special tool to recover from a peculiar modeling situation anyway.

Like this :slight_smile:
