When you are drawing on match photo and you accidently make a rotation and it leaves the match photo. clicking back into match photo (with the scene tab) plays an annoyingly long animation/ camera move. is there a way to skip this movement and just jump back into photo match?
Go to Model Info > Animation and change the duration / transition.
That was exactly what I want. Thank you!
Another question please. Is it possible to make it so the camera position doesn’t change when its selected. I know it would have to move its rotation but when im zoomed in on an area and then have to go back to the zoomed out position its a pain.
simply click on the scene tab again
Sorry I worded that last one badly. when you click the scene tab it zooms you out to show the full image size but it would be nice if I could click that scene tab and not be zoomed out.
then once you zoomed in, right click on the scene tab and pick “add”, it’ll save the view
Thanks Paul, that does work but as im constantly moving around the image zoomed in to draw small sections I dont want to create loads of scenes just in case I accidently orbit. Was more hoping there was a check box I had overlooked that meant the camera position didn’t change.
I see what you meant but no, this is not possible, you just have to be extra careful sometimes orbiting is a necessity when drawing over a photomatched scene anyway !
I recently learned that 2024 took away the ability to accidentally orbit out of a Match Photo view. (I’ve only been on 2024 a few months and not done a ton of Match Photo until recently prepping for 3D Basecamp) I’m not sure I’m happy with that, since I know how to recover from it, and there can be reasons for wanting to orbit out. If you have a 3D Space Mouse, you still can, though. Clicking on the scene tab to restore the Match Photo view as @paul.millet said is what I’ve always done. From there you can zoom in and out all you want.
BTW, if you never noticed, when you zoom with the mouse wheel in Match Photo, it changes the focal length/angle of view, not the eye location which normal zooming with the mouse wheel does in SU when you’re not in a Match Photo.
What version removed that? I’m in 24.0.553. I guess updating will fix the issue I’m having then.
I’m on 2024.0.554. I could check again.
Tried it again. To clarify: While editing a Match Photo, trying to orbit with the scroll wheel on the mouse only pans instead. If you’re NOT editing a Match Photo, then, yes, you can orbit out of the view.
I also witnessed a bug I’ve seen a lot of for a while now: SU seems to randomly forget the file setting for “Enable Scene Transitions.” It was doing it one moment, and then not doing it the next.