Massive .skp file and need to merge .dwg

Hi, I have a sketchup file that is 38Mb in size.

There is a .dwg file (i think) within a component.

Ideally I want to export this file as a single solid object.

Then import this into a CNC program to split it into equal parts (unless I can do this in SU)?

I could attached or fileshare the file, but not sure if the size is too big?


There is no way a component could contain a Dog file.

If you want to create an export of a single component, copy the component into a new file and go from there.

Easiest is to right-click on the component in the Components browser and select Save As… from the context menu.


Have you used Model Info > Statistics… to Purge Unused ?
This might reduce the SKP file’s size.
You can also ZIP it to make it smaller again.

It will not contain a DWG file per se, but it might contain entities imported from a DWG file - but these will have been converted into SketchUp objects, like edges, faces etc. These might also be nested inside a single component named after the DWG - use the Outliner to check for this…

I suspect that it’s not going to be easily made into a single solid object…
But first try…
Select everything you want to be in it, and use ‘make component’ - if it’s not already one…
Now when it’s selected Entity Info will report it as ‘solid’ in its top bar - if it is indeed a ‘solid’.

But the chances are that it’s not !

A ‘solid’ consists of a 'container - a group or component-instance - which contains only edges and faces.
This means that it cannot contain other things - like dims and text.
It could contain guides but these are best avoided too, since they’ll just lead to confusion !
It cannot contain nested groups or component-instances [even if they themselves report as solid] - so these must be exploded back to their raw geometry - edges and faces.
There is also another overriding requirement that very edge within this outermost container must support exactly two faces - no more no fewer !
So that means, no faceless edges, no edges with just one face - e.g. around a hole or forming a flap or shelf, no internal partition faces where some edges will have three or more faces, no otherwise solid forms sharing a common edge - e.g. two touching cubes where their shared edge will gave four faces.
Also all faces should be oriented consistently with the front-face material ‘outwards’…
And finally it is possible to create an object that will report as solid but which is not usable in the real world - e.g. for 3d-printing… this arises if the form is self-intersecting so one part of it passes through another - to check for this… once it reports as solid edit the object and select all of its geometry and use the Intersect with Selection context-menu tool.
On exiting the edit if might still report as a solid - in this case everything is peachy, but if it’s no longer reporting as a solid then some parts have now been fully intersected and probably created internal faces with some edges having more than two faces !

There are tools like SolidInspector and SolidSolver which can help identify and fix issues, but these are by no means foolproof…
High-contrast back-face colors in your Style, with Xray mode and temporary section-cuts etc to allow you to see issues inside the object to adjust or delete unwanted geometry etc are all worthy techniques…