Well I have spent hours just trying to make a basic template that would have a title block, logo etc. I made one that I liked but I had it spelled wrong. I couldn’t find how to edit, rename or delete versions I didn’t like. So I found the path and went into the program files and deleted the versions I didn’t want. But as luck would have it, the version I liked that I had spent hours on, didn’t save and vanished.
So I have to start over.
Questions - how can I put an auto date in a box on the template?
How can I highlight text to change the text size / font? I did it once, but can’t seem to make it happen again.
I tried to select the section but it won’t turn blue to allow eediting.
How can I make the white background around my jpeg logo disappear - I did it with paint.com since I don’t have photoshop, but I read somewhere jpegs won’t save it that way, so I ended up cropping the jpeg really closely so it wouldn’t over lay the title box template.
And most basically - why does it take so ■■■■ long to learn what seems like a simple program?