Continuing the discussion from About the Scan Essentials category:
I am a new user. Am still using CANVAS, which I love. Am a an architect and work in the tri state and `Provence. I live in Norwalk CT.
My first scan was not as successful as I tried. Not really right. Close but not right. And kind of overwhelming. 2nd one was better- still a little of. But better. And definitively cheaper than canvas. So thank u!
3rd one, well I don’t know how to retrieve it! I scan it sharing /my phone internet. I finish it, didn’t wait till it came out, as it was darker and I needed pictures… thought it was in the box. Where it is ? Did I loose it? At least I did a canvas one. But it was trying to have a batterie 3rd experience. Can I retrieve , it somewhere? I know the format is different… how could I do that?