Lost my scan

Continuing the discussion from About the Scan Essentials category:

I am a new user. Am still using CANVAS, which I love. Am a an architect and work in the tri state and `Provence. I live in Norwalk CT.
My first scan was not as successful as I tried. Not really right. Close but not right. And kind of overwhelming. 2nd one was better- still a little of. But better. And definitively cheaper than canvas. So thank u!
3rd one, well I don’t know how to retrieve it! I scan it sharing /my phone internet. I finish it, didn’t wait till it came out, as it was darker and I needed pictures… thought it was in the box. Where it is ? Did I loose it? At least I did a canvas one. But it was trying to have a batterie 3rd experience. Can I retrieve , it somewhere? I know the format is different… how could I do that?

Do you know what app you used to scan? What operating system did your phone have?

How do you know this? Different from what? Do you know what format it is?

Thank you.What i meant is that the scan was being done on my ipad( not my phone- my internet was shared with my phone), as i usually do- i didnt wait untill the processing showed me the model; as i needed to take pictures… thinking that i was able to get it bacik to it, later; am i guessing that were i screwed up? and there no way to get back the cloud generated?