Logout at exiting software

The current way you login requires sometimes a deauthorize all just to use your software. If you exit the software it should log you out. I use my Sketchup from multiple computers and is a bit of a pain. I always turn my computers off so for sure the other computer isn’t even on.

Also, add a save username and password button. Nobody else uses my computers.

Technically spoken, or legaly, for that matter, you may only authorise two machines…
This rudimental restriction derives from the early days, when you had floppy drives and CD’s.
We need a more modern way to handle these kind of situations, indeed

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careful what you wish for…

bypassing internet security protocols is difficult…

SU uses Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) for most of it’s dialogs…

for browser security reasons, if SU wants to use stored passwords you will need to instal ‘Chrome.app’ on all computers and store your password in it…

then, every time SU needs one of your passwords you would see this message…

SketchUp wants to use your confidential information stored in "Chromium Safe Storage" in your keychain.

bypassing the builtin security checks is a full-time job for many hackers, so it will not be made easier…

you can hide them in Notes.app (share on all your devices) for easy copy/pasteing or Keychain Access.app for more security…

for the logging out, if you bookmark the licence portal on all devices, it can use your stored passwords to enable/disable when needed…
