I just got an Logitech MX Master 3S mouse. I’ve set up most of what I need, but I was REALLY hoping I could use the horizontal scroll wheel on this mouse to pan left and right in Sketchup. I have it set for horizontal scroll (the default), but it zooms in and out.
Anyone know if this is possible, and if so, how did you do it?
To elaborate, the mouse action to cause pan is to press the center button (in the center wheel of your MX master) and then drag the mouse. I think there is no press action on the horizontal scroll wheel and I don’t know whether Logitech Options+ supports combined events like SketchUp expects from that wheel. I’m away from my computer for a few days, so I can’t investigate further. But this all begs the question of why you aren’t satisfied with the standard SketchUp setup.
It is center click and left click at the same time.
I often find myself zoomed very far in, trying to drag a line or a box from one precise point to another. It would be much easier if I could just pan to the right/left as I’m doing so. (Tracing imported floorplan images, etc.)
It’s very possible I just have not practiced enough. (Left click to set first endpoint—>Middle Click + Left Click to pan—>Release Left + Release Middle—>Left Click to set endpoint.) I quite often set the second point in an unwanted spot in the process.
Not the direct answer you’re looking for, but you might want to consider adding a 3D Spacemouse. (Not a replacement for the MX Master but in addition to.) You can pan or slide with that, and even orbit at the same time as you’re drawing with the the regular mouse.