Lines, Components, Groups Won't connect/glued each other

HI all, I’m so frustrating…
I’ve tried many sugestion available on the net including this forum, but still has this frustrating problem.
I already turn OFF Length Snapping but still can’t get lines/components/groups “connected”.
If I see in paralel view and zoom, it’s very clear they overlapped

Please help…

Even when I trace line all along existing group/component, you can see the trace line is not really glued/connect?

I dont use edge profile and the length snapping is off

Please help

Well, I don’t use SU2024 (because it doesn’t work on my dual-screen laptop due to another critical bug), so I don’t really know what could be the cause of the error you mentioned.

However, I guess, a similar phenomenon was reported in another topic:

Is this the error same you discovered?
Can you share the model file from which you took the screenshot?
What is the exact version build number of your Sketchup? (Menu>Help>About Sketchup)

Can you try to download the very last version of installer from here: Download All | SketchUp | SketchUp, right click on the installer and chose Run as Administrator, then when promoted chose Repair.

Also, please go to Nvidia site and download and install the latest graphic driver.

As @dezmo suggested, please share your model here by dragging it onto a reply window if smaller than 16MB or putting it on a file sharing site and providing a link here. It really isn’t possible to deduce what is going on from your two images.

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hi thanks,
I can’t just drag and drop the file, it’s a collaboration project, I need to eliminate some model first…
Basically as @dezmo mention, yes my problem is similar…

If this is happening in just one model I’d be curious what happened during the ‘collaboration’ that caused it.

Otherwise if this is a persistent issue just draw some shapes that show the problem and post that.

Hi all, here’s the skp file, sorry took so long…
This one is from my sketchup session, not from collaborator.
I hope you can understand my problem better.
See in paralel and zoom some lines are not “glued”
Profile OFF, snap to length OFF
Test Lines.skp (416.8 KB)

You have a nested component and you are also not drawing all flat on the ground plane. The differences are so small that it is hard to see at the scale you are working.

I made the entire geometry a component and then copied it to the side. I then scaled this geometry up 1000x - now you can see that things are not coplanar.

If I were doing this I would make all the different parts components and then move them into place, being sure to snap endpoints to end points.

Test Lines.skp (421.9 KB)

Also it’s better to work in Perspective camera view…

man, thanks for your reply…really appreciate it…
Actually I did try in different group/component and snap it, but as you can see, they’re like not in same ground plane, that’s why I’m asking.
No matter what I do, even I try to “snap” the group to another group/component, they are not “glued”

I’m a little concerned about what you mean by “glued”. “Snapping” and “Gluing” in my mind are different concepts. The former is relevant to getting things on the same plane. The latter is not.

Snapping has to do with how the inference engine shows places that your current operation can match as you draw or move things. There is a lot of ability for one kind of entity to snap to another kind, e.g. a group can snap to a corner of a component or the end of an edge.

But snapping does not cause the entities to join together unless they are raw geometry (edges or faces). Two groups that happen to touch each other do not become one. A group that has an edge superimposed on a loose edge does not become attached to that edge or vice versa. If you move the edge, even a tiny amount, the group will not move with it unless they are both selected.

I used ‘Eneroth Flatten to Plane’ after exploding the subcomponents to get everything on the same plane. I then had to draw a rectangle from one corner to the other, but it seems everything is coplanar now and working properly.

Test Lines.skp (457.9 KB)

My guess would be your issue comes from working with the camera set to Parallel Projection. As you move around and zoom in and out in this mode the camera ends up in strange places while still trying to show you what you want, it gets distorted.
You can see this with your model, when you open the model you uploaded and change the camera to Persective before doing anything else you’ll see how the whole model disappears from view and you have to work to get it back. Zoom extents will.

Guys thank you so much, I really appreciate it…My terms and language become barriers here, I’m so sorry since english is not my native language.
I know about the paralel projection camera is…but I will learn it again…
I use sketchup not in daily, but I use sketchup quite long…and I never had experience like this. My problem basically same with
SUP24 snapping also broken? and some other here that I can see no solid solution.
Once again thank you so much, really appreciate it!