Lines Bleeding Through

Round Chest of Drawers.skp (256.0 KB)
I’ve just modeled a round chest of drawers. I have made Tags and was just starting to make scenes. When looking the the Top, Drawer Front, some dovetail lines are bleeding through, unless I zoom in close. They are half dovetails are not supposed to show from the front. What style setting do I use to keep the lines from bleeding through?

That’s not unusual. When the edges are close to the surface like that the graphics card starts to display them because the difference in distance between the edges and the surface is so small relative to the camera distance. You can hide those edges or turn off the tags for the objects below the surface if you want.

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Thank you for the quick response. I will try both options just for the purpose of making scenes look right. Those curves in the model were fun, especially doing the grooves in the curved drawer fronts. It was easy to move/copy edges, connect them and erase a few unneeded lines and faces. Then to make the drawer bottoms to move/copy the curved lines and faces in the grooves, square off the other end, and push/pull to length.

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Check out this video, Skill builder

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Yes, that’s a great video and shows how to do different techniques to get rid of bleed-through (Z fighting).