I’ve been on maintenance and am entitled to version 2015 but have put off downloading it pending assembly of my new 64 bit computer. The machine has been ready for a while and I would like to get 2015 installed on it. My older machine has 2014.
I did download and install 2015; it set itself up as a trial version and wants to sell me a license. Since I don’t need to purchase a license, how do I proceed? Should I be contacting Trimble?
I’m certain that what I’m doing is quite common.
Thank you
You will, in fact, need to take this up with Trimble’s SketchUp Pro Support. Typically an authorization code is provided by email that enables installation of the newer version when you are receiving the maintenance upgrade. There may have been a time limit on the validity of the upgrade link though. It is better to install the upgrade shortly after getting it because it may have avoided your present concern and the process to move the license from one computer to another is simple and quick. You may be aware already that you can have more than one version of SU installed on your computer so both SU 2014 and SU 2015 can compatibly coexist on your hard drive.
BTW, I would expect the next version following SU 2015 (ostensibly v2016) to be coming out soon based on past history.
Unfortunately, no option for immediate phone contact with customer support exists.
Try this url: Support - Customer Support Question | SketchUp Help
Also see the following link: Upgrade, Maintenance, and Support Program | SketchUp Help
simply add the SUP 2015 license you should have received from your supplier after the release of rev 2015 at 11/04/14 typically by email. If not, holler by your supplier for providing the lic. data again… with enough time to do this during the 30 days trial of the Pro version after installation.