License question #9

I know if you’re using SketchUp to make money there’s a specific license–SketchUp Pro–that you need (and I have). I’m using SketchUp in my house remodel. Is there a special license when you’re LOSING money? :grinning:


Well, does using SketchUp in your remodel make you lose more money than you would lose without it? Or does its existence make you start planning useless remodel projects? :slight_smile:

Nothing is “useless” when she wants it done.

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Does your question come from the Beatles “The Whitelist” album?

Or maybe The Searchers?

Mine has an irritating scratch in Blackbird.

“License question” was taken. So yes, No. 9 seemed the obvious next choice.

(I also just re-watched “The Analogues” White Album performance on YouTube.)