Layout: Update Model Reference

In Layout; after I’ve added text, dimensions, lines, etc, to the viewport of a saved Scene, I lose the overlapping parts of these notations that were “above” the model objects before I updated the model. After the update the model covers all. I’ve tried sending Back and Front, but no cigar.

This screenshot shows the text appearing to dip under the wall and the Built up Beam is now missing part of the middle chord (note to self: fix this group). This happens with anything added in Layout where there are updated sketchup parts.

I’m sure this is something simple that I’m missing here but I can’t see it.


Is the text on a layer higher in the list than the model viewport? If not, put it there. Then it’ll always be on top of the model.

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Thanks Dave,

I had set the text layer above the model layer, just in case, but double checked it after your comment. Then I saved and closed the file which is all back to good after re-opening.

I assume that this is a feature of Layers in Layout that isn’t necessary in Sketchup. Much to learn.


Layers in SketchUp are entirely different than those in LayOut. In SketchUp, layer order is unimportant because layers only control visibility of components/groups. they don’t have anything to do with controlling what appears in front of what. In LayOut the layer order is important as it is in a program like Photoshop.

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Layers in SketchUp and LayOut are utterly different concepts. Giving them the same name was a major blunder, IMO, but now there is so much dug-in momentum that Trimble will probably never change the names.

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So, like in Archicad for instance, can we enter annotations, etc, directly into the layer of choice or is it still wise to use the Default layer for everything and then move groups to the finished layer ? If the answer is the former then I can understand what another Sage means by, “…blunder”.

These Layers are more literal layers than visible layers, eh.

In SketchUp, it is the geometric primitives that need to be associated with “Layer0”. (These are edges, faces, arcs, circles, polygons, etc.) Special object classes like dimensions, text callouts, screen captions, guidelines and guidepoints can be associated with custom layers and can be grouped or not, as desired.

LayOut layers are geometric / physical collections (“object owners”) that honor Z ordering (when rendering.)

SketchUp “layers” are visibility behavioral property sheets, that can be used by multiple objects or scenes, by assigning a layer property to point at the layer object whose behaviors you want it to use. These SketchUp “layers” do not have geometric object collections, so it is best if you do not even think of putting objects “on” SketchUp layers, but instead think of objects “using” layers for visibility/rendering behaviors.
(Because of this, in the past I’ve proposed changing the name of them to vizard or mask in other discussions. The change would not be trivial, as the amount of documentation using the “layer” terminology, … tutorials, videos etc. is massive.)

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