Hey Everybody,
Ive drawn a pretty detailed model of a small home. Ive placed it in layout to send to the printshop. I have a texture layer, and a line layer made from cross-sections to clarify measurements and what not. Everything looks great on my computer when exported and viewed from Preview. But when printed some, not all of the layers are missing. I have another issue where this happens when opened with BlueBeam PDF editing software. Any thoughts?
@gerald - It would help of you posted your LO files and or images of what’s missing from your prints to better diagnose.
All those layers etc. might make the PDF too complex for the printer to print correctly. If the PDF application you are using has the option “Print as image” like Adobe Acrobat has, you might try that. This switches all the processing from the printer to the computer. This might be helpful especially with inkjet printers. Another option is to export the PDF to an image file (PNG, for instance) and print that. Sometimes also re-printing the PDF with a PDF printer helps to reduce the complexity.
Thanks for the advice guys. I “Ironed out” the format by exporting to a JPG then back to PDF, pretty much what Anssi recommended. I lost a little quality but not bad.
Thanks for the replies!