Layout is pulling images from different scenes into my floor plan scene, etc

Hello all. Hoping to get some advice. I am having a hard time finding any advice on my current problem. I drew my house plans last year and over the past few months have come back to them to make additions such as electrical symbols/drawings etc… Now as I go into layout to try and print drawings it seems to be pulling images from my electrical scene into my floor plan and cover page scenes. I have gone back to sketchup to update scenes and remove anything that might be be tagged incorrectly but I am coming up blank and do not know how to resolve the issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

My model is over 100 MB so it will not allow me to upload so here are a few screenshots.

This is a screenshot of my floor plan scene in sketchup.

This is a screenshot of my floor plan in layout with dimensioning added. The electrical symbols are from a tag that is turned off and should not be showing in this scene.

This is a screenshot of my scenes tab showing that the scene should be pulling from “Main level floor plan 1”

Use Wetransfer or Dropbox. Without the files it’s hard to properly diagnose.

Do you by any chance have a duplicate viewport on that page?

What if you look at ‘Tags’ in the SKP panel - is something turned on that isn’t supposed to be on?


Thank you for your response and the dropbox idea. Here is a link to my model. I am open to any ideas or suggestions outside of my original query as well. This is my first full house model that I have drawn and am still learning many of the ins and outs of sketchup.

I do not believe that I have multiple scenes on the same page, I have tried deleting out the “Main floor plan” scene and all that is left are the dimensions, the electrical symbols get deleted with the scene.

It would be more useful to post the Layout File as the problem manifests in Layout. If you post the Layout file rather than the SketchUp model we will have access to see how your viewports are set up and likely find the problem there, and we will also have access to the .skp model too as it is embedded inside the layout file.

Thanks Fix,

Here is a link to the layout file.

This is what I see when I open LayOut:

When I right click on the SKP file window in the drawing and ask to open I see this:

All of this stuff is on ‘Untagged’ - so it shows in the LayOut view:

If I turn off ‘untagged’ in the LayOut file I get this:

You need to get that stuff on proper tags, and then make sure the scene is updated in SKP with the view you want and the tags you want visible / invisible.

If you are truly seeing the image you show above in the SKP model - be sure you have the proper file linked to the LayOut file. It could be that you are working from a different file, or the backup file, etc.

What I see in your LayOut file matches what I see for the scene in the SketchUp model. Here’s a screenshot of the SketchUp model.

It looks like you could turn off the tags for the electrical stuff in LayOut if you want. If you happen to hit Reset for the viewport, though, the stuff will show up again.

Several side notes. I see that your end elevations of the structure are linked to the wrong scenes and you’ve modified the Camera instead of selecting the correct scene. Example:

After resetting the Camera and choosing the correct scene it looks like this.

Better to use the correct scene than to modify the Camera.

I also see a lot of incorrect tag usage in your model. All edges and faces should be created and remain untagged. This is the result of correcting that.

There’s also a lot of unused stuff that should be purged.

Correct tag usage and keeping the model clean will help to make things predictable.

Sadly they can’t - the electrical stuff (in the version I have) is on ‘Untagged’. See my post above.

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I was just looking at the curves drawn between the symbols.

And yes, using tags to hide the symbols would involve first giving the symbols tags.

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By the way, you might want to remove your LayOut file from DropBox. It has your name and address on it and currently its available to anyone who wants to harvest it.

Dave and Mike,

Thank you both for you time and insights. It seems as though it is pulling from a different version of the drawing that somehow I can’t find and in fact may have deleted. Is that possible? The version that I am on has all of the symbols tagged as electrical symbols. Another question that may help me avoid this in the future is that sketchup often creates multiple copies of my drawing. My original will be “dreamhouse.skp” but I will have additional drawings that show up as “dreamhouse˜.skp”. What is causing it to add these additional versions? Is this somekind of an autosave function that creates a new version of the drawing?

Also, Dave, can you explain this further.

“I also see a lot of incorrect tag usage in your model. All edges and faces should be created and remain untagged. This is the result of correcting that.”

Thanks Dave!

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It is possible that the model you’ve been working on is not the same as the one your LayOut file is linked to. Of course we’re only seeing the SketchUp file that is embedded in you LayOut file. I guess the next step would be to go into Document Setup>References, select the .skp file there and choose Relink. Then navigate to and select the SketchUp file you’ve been working on and in which you’ve given tags to the electrical symbols.

In SketchUp, Untagged should remain active at all times and all edges and faces should be created and remain untagged. Only groups and components should be given tags. All edges and faces should be collected into groups or components so that you have no loose geometry in the model. That will prevent unintended merging of geometry.

The process I describe for using tags will make your model easier to work with and prevent issues with things showing or disappearing unexpectedly.

Dave and Mike,

I wanted to say thank you again for your advice. Going into the document setup > references tab I was able to see that my layout was pulling from a version of my drawing that was “missing” and I was able to purge that and relink with my current version without too much fuss. :sweat_smile:

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Great! Please hit the little checkbox on the post that helped with the solution.

The ~ symbol indicates it is a backup file automatically created by SKP. Don’t be too angry about it - sometimes these extra files can save your work.