V-Ray 7 doesn’t work here either. Windows 11, latest 2024 SKP. Buttons do nothing. Reinstalled v62006. I’m going to wait until 7.1 is released I guess.
Vray 7 works just fine on windows 11 here.
Are you using Lord Of The Toolbar plugin as mentioned before ?
No, but I am using most of the Mind Sight and Curic plugins and a dozen or so other extensions, which should not matter one bit. This is truly Trimble’s problem for not providing enough functionality in the core of SketchUp without resorting to dozens of extensions. Coming from FormZ, I find the built in tools extremely lacking, but I have a big client that demands SketchUp native files, so here we are.
I’m not going to test extensions compatibly for them, if Trimble expects to sell V-Ray 7 in the Studio, then they need to make sure it plays nice with every extension possible since they are the ones creating the lack of functionality without them.
This isn’t an sketchup problem, extensions are mainly to speed up things that you can do with the native tools. This is imo a vray issue, they probably wanted to speed up the release of the newer version. I’ve been having emails with them and have also sent some files, but the solution was simple, go back to the previous version and everything works fine again. I didn’t get my assets deleted and I’m not desperate for trying the new features, if there is any.
It’s not an extension or sketch up issue - it’s fully Vray. They have said in the email I posted that anything downloaded from the browser they provide (lights, objects, any setting you had) vray 6 will NOT transfer to vray 7 at the moment. It is a them issue that they need to fix especially before the date they set to make the switch.
The problem is related to the way VRay invokes commands.
I just published a tentative fix, as LOTT v2.9a , at least for the Windows platform.
Thanks to advise if this improves the situation.
Note: The drawback is that VRay cannot participate in LOTT, that is, you cannot create palettes or custom toolbars with VRay commands (nor see them in te Find menu).
It worked for me, thanks for the fix. are you gonna publish a fix for mac? This week I´m going to travel so I must take my Macbook for work.
I am still having the same problem here. I am not using the LOTT plugin. V-Ray 7 appears broken as far as I can tell.
Upgraded to 7 ‘hot fix’ last week. Was nervous because I had a deadline. No issues - latest SKP 24 on Mac Sonoma.
It’s been working for a while for me, fredo released updates for the plug-ins that were causing the crashes with V-Ray some weeks ago.