Issue installing download

Download successful but install cannot open. Right Click & Open As Admin. Error Can not create temp folder archive & fails. Uninstalled SkUp 2013 & 2014 (never had 2015) No effect other than I have no SketchUp now

You did not need to uninstall earlier versions of SketchUp.
They can exist side-by-side !

What is your OS ?
If you choose Run as Admin… it should work ?

Windows 8.1. I was following the instructions provided that 2016 could not stack on earlier versions. Recommended uninstall earlier. Have tried multiple downloads. Cleared Catch & Cookies etc. I’m not good on the configure stuff. Tend to let the system default settings do the heavy lifting. My basically system is to use lots of folders to organize data.

Where did those instructions come from? It’s certainly not correct.

Bottom of download page. Need some Help area. Click Download Problems. Scroll down new page to 1st Tip. It was a suggestion that I tried. I have opened a Chrome browser & am downloading again to see if IE is causing an issue.

I can’t see anywhere on the SketchUp site that says anything about uninstalling earlier versions. Have you got a link to the page?

FYI Chrome download had the same error message. Error “Can not create temp folder archive”
Link to “Download Problems” Getting Started with SketchUp | SketchUp Help

The above exchange is the failure of the 2016 version to install on my Lenovo desktop running windows 8.1. I elected to give it a go on my Lenovo Laptop running window 10 & the install executed without a hitch. Any suggestions on the issue my “much Larger all in one screen” desk top is having??

Have you looked at your Anti-Virus software to see if that is blocking things !

Googled ? Found answer on [SOLVED] - "Error: cannot create temp folder archive" Windows 8.1 | Tech Support Forum
Right-click on Computer / click on Properties/Advanced System Settings/Environment Variables, “User variables for {user Name}” and change the TEMP and TMP vars values to “c:\temp”
It worked. Thanks for your response I do appreciate those who assist those of us that now focus on what I want it to do vs. how it does it. Not that anyone is interested but, My first experience with computers was in high school trig class. The teacher had been a college math instructor but switched to high school to prep students for college. He bought a brand new wonder machine with 8 memory locations programed with punch cards. If you could run the homework assignment on the computer it was an automatic “A”. This was years before Tandy released the Trash 80. Memories of an oldish geezer from the early 1970s! The muscle cars were fun and could be bought used for around $1000. Tks again.