Is this profile flat

I have a crown molding profile that when it’s pushed out it’s not straight, over 80" is off axes by 5/32".crowm profile.skp (36.3 KB)

That would be your clue that its not oriented on axis. You can tell by using the Text tool to place labels on corners, too. If it was on aligned on axis, all the x values would be 0.00000".

So when I drew it I somehow got off the face I drew it on?

did you start drawing it on a rectangle surface larger than the finished profile then subtract the excess?

Yes I did.

How did you create the rectangle? And in which plane?

Pretty sure it was in the green plane, pushed the left arrow and drew the rectangle.

Well, something happened in the process.

If you hit the left arrow before drawing the rectangle, it would be aligned on the red/blue plane, not the green/blue plane which is roughly the alignment of your profile. So did you rotate the profile after you made it? Maybe you rotated off axis?

Also check you model Info > Units doesn’t have ‘snap’ set you can sometimes think you have clicked on a face but haven’t - watch your inference tooltips as you draw…
Having your Style set up to show Profiles thicker can also help - after you have drawn the whole thing if some profiles still show because the face wasn’t split something needs fixing…

If you hit the left arrow before drawing the rectangle, it would be aligned on the red/blue plane, not the green/blue plane which is roughly the alignment of your profile. So did you rotate the profile after you made it? Maybe you rotated off axis?

Not familiar with the correct terms, as I was drawing it, the rectangle was Green. And I did rotate it after producing the profile, probably messed it up then.

@TIG Snap is not set for length, is set for angles (15°).

If you want the profile oriented on axis so you can extrude out along the red axis, best bet is to hit the right arrow key instead and not rotate anything.