Is there an extension for making a cut list?

I need an extension to generate cutlists of aluminum bar lengths and their angles. Does anyone know of one that works for this?

There are cutlist extensions but they report the size of component bounding boxes so they can’t provide angles.

Thanks Dave, I there any other programs outside of sketchup that have good cutlist extensions. We are trying to find a way to generate cut lists easily. Right now we have to manually snap measurements for bars and angles.

I’m not clear about what you mean by “cutlist”, maybe because I’m a woodworker not a machinist. To me a cutlist is a textual document that gives the bounding dimensions of all required parts so that you can plan how to cut them out of rough stock. Details such as angled ends, notches, holes, etc. are better provided by diagrams since it is crucial to understand where they are placed on each part. Can you provide an example of what the sort of cutlist you envision would look like?

You can use the cutlist which will report the size of the bounding box, when it comes to angles I add a “patt” note on the cutlist. You then know to refer to the component drawing to cut the piece correctly with angles etc.

That’s my input anyhow.

You can have a sheet just with all the pattern pieces on for the job, with angles/dimensions etc. Kind of a quick reference card.

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