Internet Website / Traffic statistical tool


Greetings! I am newbie here. I would like to know about a traffic statistic tool. Which tool can be used at different purposes like- traffic analysis, website visitors, server location, hosting location, ip address trace out and so on.

I will wait for your reply!

What does this have to do with SketchUp?

I need that tool. Can you help me anyways?

Explain how this has anything to do with SketchUp. Or perhaps you need to be looking someplace else.

This is the Corner Bar category, so in principle just about any polite topic is fair. However, you are more likely to find people with expertise to answer your question on a site whose focus is web hosting, not SketchUp!

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Sounds a lot like Google Analytics

Google does free training for their analytics tool too.

if you want to keep your statistics by yourself (and not share with the big G) and/or if you wanna adhere to e.g. European privacy standards you may want check the great Piwik (OS). Extensions for connecting with all common WebCMS are regularly avail.

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