Hello, I recently upgraded to SketchUp 2024 and I’m having an issue with importing images into my model. For years I’ve dragged jpg images directly from a Windows folder onto geometry in my model. The behavior I expect is that the image sits on the face I’ve dragged it onto, and the option to scale is automatic. Since the upgrade though, when I drag an image into my model, the result is inconsistent. Sometimes the file drags in as an image (as I expect) and other times it turns to a texture. I don’t think I’m doing anything different as I drag the image in. I’ve even tested dragging the same image several times to see how it reacts and it seems like which result I get is random. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Nathan
Hey all,
Kind of disappointed not to have gotten a single reply to this question. Not sure if maybe I didn’t explain myself very well. I’ve made a video showing the inconsistency when I drag an image into my model. I sure hope someone can hlep. It’s driving me nuts! Thanks, Nathan
I am on Mac and this procedure doesn’t seem to work.
What is working very well is to use File Menu → Import …
Then, select jpeg format and Use as image.
I don’t know why your post went unnoticed. I don’t remember it appearing.
I do see the behavior change. Watch the status bar when you are dragging the jpeg onto the face. In 2023, the status bar looks like this:
If you hold the Alt key, the image is used as a texture. If you don’t, it places as an image.
With 2024, that status bar text only appears some of the time, and whether it gets places as an image seems to depend on whether the status bar is showing the Alt option. If Alt is there, it’s used as a texture, even if you’re not pressing Alt. If you do press Alt, then it seems to be used as a texture every time.
I have enough to go on in order to write up a bug report. In the meantime, if you want it to be an image, make sure the status bar isn’t currently showing the Alt option.
Thanks, but with the number images I import, drag and drop saves me huge amounts of time compared with the file menu import. Appreciate the response though!
Thanks, I’ll keep an eye on the status bar. I appreciate you writing up the bug report.
It doesn’t work with SU 2022 but works in SU 2024.