I need some help for school

Hi. I am doing a project for school. Basically, I will be 3D modeling a house, and I want to be able to make certain view points all throughout the house. I was imagining something like pressing the space bar would change from the different viewpoints. But in addition to that, I want to be able to have objects and things to make the house seem more realistic.
For my school project, I am going to be talking about my life. But basically, I wanted to see if there was a way to put pictures of me on like a picture frame in the house. I don’t care how long it would take to do, this is what I want the most. And I wanted to see if there was a way to maybe put videos in the house? Is there a way I can do that?
Oh, and I need help with another thing too. How do I change the size of objects imported from the 3D Warehouse? Like if I wanted to get a couch from it, how would I make it bigger or smaller?
Thank you so much for your help. This is super important to me. I am open to anything you say. Thanks.


Welcome to the Community Forum! I think you will find the tutorial videos at THIS LINK to be helpful.

You won’t be able to change viewports by using the space bar, but you can establish scenes to show any view you want. Follow the vids and learn how to use the section tool to show interior views of your model.

Yes you can import images directly into your model

Not so sure about this one.

Use the Scale tool to adjust the size of any item. Again, look at THIS LINK for more information.

Also, you will be able to receive much more assistance if you complete the User Profile, especially important to identify your graphics card. This can be found under System Info on Windows machines…idk about Macs.

Good luck.

Graphics card info on a Mac - Apple icon top left “About this Mac”…

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