I need help with aggregating (summing) grouped structures

class DetailInfo 
      attr_accessor :material,:det_length, :det_width, :det_thick
      def initialize(material, det_length, det_width, det_thick)
        @material = material
        @det_length = det_length
        @det_width = det_width
        @det_thick = det_thick    

details =[
	DetailInfo .new("Material1", 760, 340, 18),
	DetailInfo .new("Material1", 800, 200, 18),
	DetailInfo .new("Material1", 760, 340, 4),
	DetailInfo .new("Material1", 800, 200, 4),		
	DetailInfo .new("Material2", 400, 440, 16),
	DetailInfo .new("Material2", 800, 200, 16),

grouped_details = details.group_by {|detailinfo| [detailinfo.material, detailinfo.det_thick]}
squares = grouped_details.map do |material, det_length, det_width|
  square = details.reduce(0) { |sum, detailinfo| sum + detailinfo.det_length*detailinfo.det_width}
  { material: material, sq: square.round(3) }

puts squares

{:material=>["Material1", 18], :sq=>1172800}
{:material=>["Material1", 4], :sq=>1172800}
{:material=>["Material2", 16], :sq=>1172800}

Why do all groups have the same values?

Please edit your post and correctly delimit the code for forum display …

There are already posts that cover this subject. Use the search feature :mag: of the forum on this category.

Use the term “area”

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