I like to create a account without a google account

can you make it possible to create a account without a google account?



I want to help, but to understand your question better may I ask what specifically you want to create an account for?

I have created an account using google mail (Gmail) and it has worked fine so far.

Thank you,

Andreas - not at this time.

I understand that is probably isn’t a priority, but could you make it possible in the future?

I have created especially for 3D Warehouse and Extensions Warehouse a Gmail account, but I want to use my own e-mail for that.

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Yea, we’re kinda limited on not being able to comment on futures, but certainly sounds reasonable to us.

I noticed that there have been some improvements on the 3D Warehouse website and I really like the improvements. I hope you can make it possible to log in with an other mail adress then a gmail account