How to get textures from a component?

I’ve spent almost 1 hour trying this with no result (this instructions are for Windows, not for Mac).
I don’t get my component window shows six textures, it show only one component with the six textures.
I will thank some help, the tutorial is for 2016, I’m using 2017 Make.

Thanks in advance.

I’m not sure, but it seems that you are confusing the Components window and and the Materials window as one window. They are separate.


OMG, you’re right, I was suffering :slight_smile:
Thank you so much.

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No problem.

Specifically, when you download a component into the model (from either 3DW or a local collection,) all it’s internal materials will be added to your model’s “In Model” materials collection, and all it’s layers will be added to your model’s layers collection, as well as any sub-components to your model’s “In Model” components collection.

… and if you wish to sample a material that is already painted onto objects in the model, you can use the ALT eyedropper modifier of the PaintBucketTool, see:

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Thank you both for such a good explanation, I’ll take a look at that. :wink:

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