How to do this in sketchup?

How to do this in sketchup?
У меня есть текстура. Как сделать для нее подложку? Это декорации для театра (декорация для сцены)

Translated by Google:

Since you are using SketchUp Free (web), you can import the images to use a textures on faces in the model. Then trace around them with the various drawing tools. If you want the white border, use Offset and paint the border area white,

thank you very much
How about sketch up go?

Both Free and Go are Web based. The same steps that DaveR described apply.

As @Royce wrote, the same steps apply in SketchUp Go. If you are using SketchUp Go please update the information in your profile. That information helps us help you.

no i plan to use it

What do you plan to use?

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