I am able to create flexible line connections between objects, where the line end moves with the object if the object is moved, but I am unable to get a flexible line connection between groups. Even if the line is on an inferred endpoint of the group, when I move the group the line is left behind. Here is a demo video. - 2025-01-22_10-03-04 - TechSmith Screencast - TechSmith Screencast. The demo file is also attached.
Line-Group Demo.skp (165.5 KB)
What am I missing? Thanks!
Your “objects” are not opbjects (groups or components), they are loose geometry. As such, the edge that you’ve drawn between them attaches to the edges of the rectangls due to the sticky nature of geometry. The edge doesn’t stick to the groups because that’s part of the design intent for groups–to prevent geometry outside the group from sticking to the geometry inside the group.
You can post the video directly. That website load slowly and I don’t trust it…
Groups / components isolate geometry. You cannot have loose geometry like you describe anchored to a component end / etc.
Thanks @DaveR - Is there a method for creating a line between two groups that will stay connected to both groups when one of them is moved?
No. Not natively. There isn’t any way to make geometry stick to group or component containers. What is it that you are modeling in which you need this sort of thing? Maybe there’s another way of handling it.
Possible, but…
I’m modeling data projector installations for on-stage theater use. I know my projection surface size, and the distance from the surface to the projector. But I need to play with the throw angle to determine the best projector position so that the image will not hit people standing on stage in front of the projection surface.
Line-Group Demo.skp (1.5 MB)
I was trying to use lines between the projector and the projection surface to show the image path, but when I adjust either, the I have to manually fix the lines that have been left hanging in space, which is a real time waste.
Guides also seem to have the same behavior as lines. I’m open to other ways to do this. Thanks!
What I’ve done is to draw a group containing a pyramid whose base represents the screen and apex represents the projector. Erase the sloped sides of the pyramid to get the lines you show, or leave them there and they will visibly clip off the figure where it passes inside. Open the group and drag the vertex closer or farther away to change the projection distance, and move an edge of the pyramid base if necessary to realign it with vertical if you rotate the group.
Thanks @slbaumgartner! That should work. Much appreciation!