How can I bevel the sides when a mould is on the ends of a piece of wood?
Brace.skp (259.1 KB)
I have attached the moulded brace where the bevels need to run down the sides, I have added a simple version of the brace with the bevels on but no moulds on the ends.
Any help much appreciated
February 5, 2025, 11:03am
Fredo Scale, Solid Tools or just Intersect Faces
I seem to be getting an error saying
No intersections found between selection set
and the rest of the model
February 5, 2025, 11:31am
Do you have all the geometry in the same context?
Did you use Intersect Faces > With Selection ?
Have you tried Solid Tools? Create both of your objects as solid groups first.
Thanks Solid Tools worked great
Thanks for your help