How do you use the Zorro Plugin in the Ruby API?

I want to write a command in the Ruby API to cut the model at the section slice, which can be done using the Zorro Plugin. I can see two possibilities:

  1. Is there a code to activate a menu command in the API? That way I could simply make it do the menu command to slice the model with Zorro

  2. Do I have to copy and paste a section of the Zorro script? If so, what section?


This is only possible if the Zorro Plugin provides an API to the functions you need.
Can you explain what you exactly what to do?

I figured out a solution to this post. I was able to copy and paste the definition of the slice model at section plane function (as well as definitions of functions within that definition) from the script of Zorro, and this satisfied my purposes. Thank you for your answer Guy.