How can I deactivate LightUp

Ever since I added LightUp in sketchup pro 2018 (trial) my computer running windows 10 has such a hard time that it is ‘‘not responding’’ most of the time. Very frustating and time consuming.

Anyway to deactivate LU from SU or do I have to uninstall it ? There are a lot of options in the settings tab for configuring it but I have no idea what it’s all about.

Tks for helping

Just uninstall… its easy enough to reinstall if you change your mind…


In the more recent versions of SU, go to Window > Extension Manager to enable/disable.

Most likely your performance issue is with your graphics hardware especially if you plan on using a tablet with SU. Renderers are very demanding, and a good, dedicated graphics card tends to be required.

Your forum profile is a bit confusing, SketchUp Free is a web app that doesn’t allow extensions at this time.

Yes tks I did just that.

About my profile I started with SU free on my tablet but downloaded SU pro
trial on my laptop to try LightUp but obviously my graphic card doesn’t cut
it. No big deal in 23 days I’ll be back using SU free.

LightUp should only be using any CPU power if you have used the Tour Tool. While you’re looking at the LightUp scene it can be very demanding, but if you’re using any of the SketchUp tools LightUp shouldn’t be taking any system resources at all.

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