Help with a nightstand base profile?

Hello guys, I am working on a project and having an issue with a profile I would like to learn how to do.

I have attached a SKU file and a screen grab of a base I found online. For my project I would like to incorporate the “grooved” profile on the base of the attached screen shot I found.

Any help would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Just not sure where and or how to start?

Thank you



Hmmm… depending on how detailed you want to get there are a number of different ways you could try to achieve it. If you are just looking for a simple and easy way, my recommendation would be to take a look at the FollowMe tool and a nice texture. I’ll see what I can do to get it as detailed as I can and will upload something in a few minutes.

Edit: Here is what I was able to put together in a few minutes. Not perfect, but if it is what you are looking for it should be close enough for you to get a good idea.

Groove.skp (6.3 MB)

Is this the kind of thing you want?


Yes Dave that’s exactly it! :slight_smile:

How did you do that Dave?

Thanks Casey for taking the time. Daves, is what I am after :slight_smile:

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I modeled a “cutter” and use the Difference tool from Bool Tools 2 (Trim from Eneroth Solid Tools would do the same thing.

FWIW, it would make your work easier of you used components instead of groups.


half inch chamfer foot and rail .skp (6.2 MB)

This was a fun challenge to try to do without extensions. I used only the follow me and “intersect with model” tools. No solid tools. I was able to use your exact specifications except that I had to slightly fudge your leg roundover so that it wasn’t colliding with the chamfer. Interestingly, your paths were neither arcs nor ellipses. Parabolas I think. Not sure how you were able to draw them!

Thank you guys! Both are what I am after. I have never used bool tools or enroth solid tools.

Is there any chance you could do a quick video of how you guys did this?

In the mean time I am gonna download those tools becasue I think I need to learn them :slight_smile:

Again, thank you guys.


I’m sorry. I don’t have time to record a video now but I copied the edges of the legs and stretcher to use as a path for Follow Me. Then I drew a triangle at one end representing the shape of the cutter. I used Follow Me with the path and profile to create the extrudsion (think of it as the volume of space the cutter would pass through) and made it a solid component. Then I used it to trim the legs and the stretcher.

I think for complicated routes and curvature like this that continues across multiple parts it can make it easier to model it as one solid, get it to 100% of what you like, then divide it into the parts using solid tools or intersect with model.

Here’s a quickie of the trimming part. I’ve got a keyboard shortcut set up for Trim.
No need to combine all the parts into a single solid.


WOW!! Thanks Dave, will give this a try.

Thank you
