Hello, I am working on creating a dynamic component for a ceiling panel. Everything in the dynamic component works how I want except the copy function. I have the options of “Panel Count” and “Spacing” to let the user know how many panels they want and how far spaced apart they are. However, the way I have the copy function set up messes with my ability to move the panel(s). The panel automatically snaps to 0 on the X-axis when I move it around in the model. This is the same for the copied components, but they snap to their individual locked X position. I can’t think of any solutions for this. If I could get this solved, that would be a massive help.
The goal:
- Ability to move the original panel around anywhere in the space without it snapping to the X-axis.
- Ability to still use the panel count and spacing function
- Ability to move the copied panels around in the space without snapping to an X-axis position
Again, thanks in advance for the help!!
CORE Panel Component.skp (460.5 KB)