Help Needed It Won't Push Pull up

Hey there Joseph, your model looks great. There are videos on youtube that have really great tips on the best practices to use when modeling. Here is one video as an example, but there are many more!

Just a trick to delete unwanted bits of geometry scattered around and far from a model:

1 - Select All

2 - Zoom, Pan and Orbit until only what you want to keep is visible.

3 - Press and hold the SHIFT key to Add/Subtract from the selection.

4- While still pressing the SHIFT key, do a Window Select of the part that you want to keep. This shall unselect it.

5 - Press the Delete key.

On recent versions of SketchUp you can also select the part you want to keep and then use Edit->Invert Selection to get the part you want to delete.

Ok thanks everyone for the help!

How do i make this private to this chat olny and not let anyone else see this because i dont want anyone to ruin my work

Sorry accidently pressed the flag when trying to get rid of link sorry

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