Hello I am a student and I need someone to help me complete some sketch up tasks for my assignments, I would be grateful if someone with great knowledge of Sketch Up could help me out by creating a few very simple designs of green spaces. It would mean a lot thanks. Please email me at willbennett988@gmail.com
If you are hiring someone to do this work for you, keep in mind that person must be a licensed SketchUp Pro user and not SketchUp Make or SketchUp Free/Web.
And will it be your assignments this way?
This is not an appropriate request for this forum. Asking for advice is one thing…so ask specific questions…,but attempting to have another user complete your assignment is cheating. Do the work yourself and receive the full benefit of learning while undertaking the assignment.
If I had read this post earlier, it would have been deleted immediately. Now after 15 hours it is likely that some user in a misguided attempt to help has already offered assistance.
Users are cautioned to use proper judgment when responding to requests that appear to involve scholastic improprieties!
yes it will wym
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