Hey d12dozr,
your instructional videos & pics are OUTSTANDING, it certainly helps me better understand what’s being imparted.
You know, now you mention it, I’ve just scaled back the zoom on the box to represent how it will print out & I can hardly read the writing on the screen. So you are 100% correct about that. I think the UPrint SE Plus has a SUPER-FINE resolution of around 0.25mm but, as you mention, that’s not going to cut the mustard if my text wall thickness is a mere 0.2mm.
Funny though, it looks GREAT when I’m zoomed in around 800% lol.
Ok, so that printer has a nozzle diameter of ~0.3mm(look at the layer thickness specifications for a clue), so anything smaller than that will not be printed. Making all the parts 2x nozzle diameter as a minimum is a good practice. So that means if you make a dummy cube 0.6mm x 0.6mm, you can drag it around the model and get a sense if any of your features need to be beefed up. Make sense?
Oh yeah that’s spot-on buddy, simple yet so smart!
Man, this little box has caused me to learn SOOOOO much in just an afternoon, I’m so stoked to have stumbled across this forum & in particular d12dozer & Box.
Hi again d12dozr & Box,
not sure you’re interested but I took your advice & re-drew the case:
I took the lid from side to top & made everything a bit thicker.
I made the text as big as I could (it’s a pretty small box) it’s still around 0.55mm in some places, I hope it’ll print out alright.
A few things became clearer after re-drawing it with all your advice in mind; I was able to find errors & correct them more readily.
I know it’s just a simple box, but it’s a fun start, hopefully I can learn more & draw more interesting things to print in the future, thanks to your great advice.
Great work! You’re a good student - nice to see you pick up the concepts so quickly and work them into your design. You’ll learn even more after printing and then holding the design in your hand.
Excellent work! Thanks for showing the finished product, I appreciate that.
Now that you have the “solid” and “minimum thickness” concepts down,
stepping up to organic modeling will be much easier. Whether you use
plugins or move to another program that is better suited to organic
modeling, the concepts are the same and will be helpful to you.