Having extreme problem updating my license anyone else?

Can’t seem to get the renewal page to recognize my email and I have been with Sketchup since @last?

Yes I contacted support which said I should start an new account but the site would not let me do that? Kept reverting back to my current login.

Which version of SketchUp are you using? Do you normally sign in with Google? If you do, you could sign in with Google on the license manager page, that would get you through to the shopping cart.

upgrade from 2019

If you still have 2018 installed you could open that and sign in, and follow the directions on reseting your password. After that you can use your regular Google sign in email address as a Trimble ID.

Colin actually I was trying to do that, (2018) I have, for reasons unknown. I am not getting much feedback from Support. It hangs up on the second page where I fill out the payment of my Credit Card and sticks my Trimble login email vs the email used on my License renewal, it is obviously big screw up by Trimble’s license renewal page which is probably embarrassing for them and driving the Marketing Director to drink heavily. Then again with super success they are having they probably could care less if one person can upgrade.

I do see three different email addresses that you have used in the past. If you can get through renewal but have the wrong email address, I can fix that. I took ownership of your support ticket, if you now reply it will come to me.

If you’re still getting stuck renewing, another option would be to do that over the phone. 303-546-1100, option 1.

Thank you Colin, I appreciate it. Was not aware you could do that on your own, the email on my license is apparently the info-.com vs my Trimble Id log in is the other.

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